
Gigs this week !! 本週演出資訊 !! 11/6 - 11/10

Dear all,

Just wanted to share with you all my performance info this week! After this week, I'll be heading to the BIG APPLE for my recording project with the most amazing, amazing, amazing musicians! Let's keep their names for a secret for now :p coz you'll know it very soon !!

Hope to see you all this week 


和大家分享一下我這週的演出資訊! 下星期我即將前往大蘋果錄製我的新專輯啦!! 這次非常榮幸請到了最棒最棒的音樂家們來幫我一起錄製新曲, 在此先賣個關子囉~ 總之錄完了你們就知道是誰啦 :) 
(當然最希望 Sandy 造成的損害不會影響到我的錄音計畫... 也希望紐約能快快"康復"!! Fingers crossed. Sending my love to NYC )

11.6 Tuesday 21:30 at Sappho de BASE
with COMPOSITIONS 坎柏斯旬矢 計畫

with Aldo Salvent & Josh Quinlan

11.9 Friday 19:30 at 苗北藝文中心 &
11.10 Saturday 15:00 at 清華大學蘇格貓底二手書屋
with 魏廣晧 Stacey Wei 爵士四重奏

