YuYing Hsu
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. :)
Thank you god (or the unknown power you may say) for everything. I am happy and thankful to be doing what I do. And I'm truly lucky to have so many great friends around, and everyone in the family is healthy. And I get to play the music I love.
Mixing my 5tet record tomorrow. Can't wait !!!!!!
Thank you god (or the unknown power you may say) for everything. I am happy and thankful to be doing what I do. And I'm truly lucky to have so many great friends around, and everyone in the family is healthy. And I get to play the music I love.
Mixing my 5tet record tomorrow. Can't wait !!!!!!
YuYing Hsu
Been waiting for the f^*% F train for the past 20 min. Always like this when you need to go somewhere on time. I guess it's a real "welcome to NYC."
YuYing Hsu
© MengLing Hsieh Photography
Had the most amazing experience in my life today - recorded with such wonderful musicians: Alex, Donny, Boris & Donald at Systems Two. It's really like a dream, words can't describe... Thank you guys for everything.
Had the most amazing experience in my life today - recorded with such wonderful musicians: Alex, Donny, Boris & Donald at Systems Two. It's really like a dream, words can't describe... Thank you guys for everything.
YuYing Hsu
Had the most amazing experience in my life today - recorded with such wonderful musicians: Alex, Donny, Boris & Donald at Systems Two. It's really like a dream, period. Thank you guys for everything, words can't really describe. And thanks to engineer Mike & photographer Meng-Ling Hsieh, and thanks to Jesse for feeding me.
It's been a long day but an awesome day.
It's been a long day but an awesome day.
YuYing Hsu
Still so highper from great music tonight at the Vanguard !! Greg Osby 4tet, one more night tomorrow!!
(Totally feel like I was in a dream to walk in Vanguard again for amazing music.)
Anyway, good night NYC.
(Totally feel like I was in a dream to walk in Vanguard again for amazing music.)
Anyway, good night NYC.
YuYing Hsu
After breakfast, alone, walking in the city. The weather is great, birds are singing, people are smiling, what's better than this?
I love New York.
Getting ready for Monday. — at Upper West Side, NYC (UWS).
I love New York.
Getting ready for Monday. — at Upper West Side, NYC (UWS).
YuYing Hsu
離開一會兒, 有了距離, 再回頭造訪, 果真才有不同層次的體會吧 (人、事、物、地方等等)。一下飛機, 坐上地鐵, 一切感覺如此熟悉, 飛機飛了好久好久像是帶我"出國", 我確真實的感覺到回家一般自在。紐約的獨特真的只有自己知道, 因為每個人的經驗一定是唯一且無法替代的。做著 subway 一路從 JFK 來到 Upper West Side, 途中經過 W4 St. Station 我都快哭了, 難以言喻的感覺, 自己心中澎湃的上演內心戲。
(順勢一提, 這裡的男人看女人的眼神如此不同, 有一種侵略性, 男人看男人的眼神也不同, 倒不一定是侵略, 而是一種平等。)
才第一個晚上, 我就毫無保留的重新愛上這個城市, 第一個晚上就顧不得疲憊跑去 Smalls 和 Fat Cat, 就這樣遇到了好幾個以前的朋友與同學, 一轉眼回到家已是清晨快五點。在這某些地方"時間"似乎是靜止的 , 無論何時"闖入"這空間, 總會遇上這幾個如此熟悉的面孔, 一樣的啤酒, 一樣的談天說地。
對這城市的愛? 或許更應該說, 我從來不曾停止過這愛。
(順勢一提, 這裡的男人看女人的眼神如此不同, 有一種侵略性, 男人看男人的眼神也不同, 倒不一定是侵略, 而是一種平等。)
才第一個晚上, 我就毫無保留的重新愛上這個城市, 第一個晚上就顧不得疲憊跑去 Smalls 和 Fat Cat, 就這樣遇到了好幾個以前的朋友與同學, 一轉眼回到家已是清晨快五點。在這某些地方"時間"似乎是靜止的
對這城市的愛? 或許更應該說, 我從來不曾停止過這愛。
YuYing Hsu
Made it safe to NYC, thank god! Two very intense touch downs by Delta tho.. But the freedom I breathe in from NYC air is all it matters, really.
Taipei and NYC, totally two different world, for sure.
Taipei and NYC, totally two different world, for sure.